Public Response

While there has been much public excitement about Google Glass, the device has also sparked vast amounts of controversy regarding privacy concerns and safety. The primary concerns of many regard privacy. Because Google Glass is so discreet, it is easy to take pictures and record content without the subject of those pictures and videos even being aware of filming (38). Many people are worried that with Google Glass, strangers will be able to identify them on the street or at restaurants, which causes a huge breech in privacy that no one has ever experienced before. Additionally, this discreet ability to take photos and videos has caused many organizations to ban Google Glass from their establishments such as the National Association of Theater Owners who fear there is an increased chance of movie pirating while wearing Google Glass (37). Along with privacy concerns are also public apprehensions to safety and health. For example, the first reported addiction to Google Glass was announced in November 2014 in which a man would dream as if he was seeing through the glasses and even habitually made stroking motions to where the Google Glass panel is supposed to be (14). There are also concerns regarding the safety of using Google Glass while driving and the United Kingdom has already begun the process of deeming the use of the glasses behind the wheel as careless driving (49). And yet, despite these concerns for Google Glass, there is still a long wait-list to purchase the product and the general public, regardless of these worries, is still supportive of Google Glass becoming more widespread in the future.

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