
Babak Parviz
Babak Parviz began his path at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor after which we went on to further his educational career by ultimately gaining a PhD from Harvard University (2). Parviz worked at the University of Washington, and went on to become an engineer at Google X where he worked on Google Lens from 2010-2013 and also co-created Google Glass in that time as well (2). Gaining recognition from the Los Angeles Times, Complex Tech, MIT, and Time Magazine, Parviz is known as one of the best optics engineers in the world. He recently left Google X to work for Amazon on their newest project involving 3D visuals and augmented reality in 2014 (13).

Brian Otis
Spending the bulk of his educational career at University of California, Berkeley, Otis primarily now works at the University of Washington as an electrical engineer and runs a chip research deign lab that has contributed heavily to Google Lens’ design (4). His passions stem from exploring the limitations of size and power on the human body. Gaining recognition from the National Science Foundation, The Analogue Devices Fellowship, and the Outstanding Teaching Program at the University of Washington, Otis’s career continues to monitor how technology can improve the health by means of engineering (6).

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